My name is Aylah Angeles. This is my 4th year diving with Sports for Every Child – Excell Diving Club and this will be my 1st year qualifying and going to Nationals. I had 1 goal in mind at the beginning of the year and that was to qualify and participate in the Junior Development in Toronto. With the guidance of my coach Herb Fleming, I managed to qualify on all 3 boards (1M, 3M, and Platform) and get to represent the 10 year old D1 group in Toronto.
“To me, diving is not just a sport. It is also a foundation for building lasting friendships and memories! Good luck to all my teammates and competitors!” Aylah
During the Summer Provincials in Edmonton, I surprisingly received the Misette Lahey Award! This award goes to a first-time National Diver with the highest average in two boards in the province of AB. I was so happy I got this trophy and took it to school and to my favorite store, Ivivva.