In the past several months since the Alberta Filipino Journal launched the website, https://www.albertafilipinojournal.com and provided access to the digital copy of the paper, more readers are becoming interested and have become more informed. I am, on average, receiving 3 emails per week and replying to specific queries on the APEGA and ASET application process here in Alberta. Half of those who are trying to connect with me through email are immigrants of other nationalities, who came to Alberta to undergo their licensure process. For most Filipinos, the common questions are with regard to their Education Credential Evaluation results that hinder them fro going further with their Professional recognition application.
Below are some of the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) that I received through email that might benefit other readers:
1. Why does World Education Services (WES) evaluate my academic diploma as graduate of Bachelor of Science in Engineering (major) in the Philippines as only equivalent to a 2-year Diploma in Canada?
Answer: WES evaluates the education of the applicant based on the documents you have submitted. This includes your Transcript of Record (TOR) and Diploma mailed directly by the College/University from where you graduated. Take note, that TOR listed the subject code and the name of the subject you took during your tertiary education side by side with the grade score you achieved. The evaluator looks only at the similarity of the subject name to its Canadian equivalent and will not merit favorable equivalent if the subject is far different from those courses or the subjects that are offered by the Canadian Curriculum. So, it is advisable to include the course and subject description and the syllabus of each subject when submitting your documents to WES.
Philippine secondary education (high school) is only 4 years, which totals to 10 years from Grade 1. In Canada, the total years of basic education is 12 years. The Math and Science subjects for those who graduated in the Philippines will not be sufficient to merit the number of hours that are required to have Canadian education equivalents because of these total years of basic education.
Hence, it is recommended to submit as many documents and courses you took from your University to prove that you have enough Science and Math subjects. If you have Post-Graduate studies (Masters Degree) this will greatly help in advancing your Education Credential
2. It is difficult to write the experience requirement that will comply the 22 Competency Requirements. Can you help me with this?
Answer: In the past articles that I wrote for the Alberta Filipino Journal, you can find the 5-part series where I gave examples on how to write about your Experience that addresses the 22 Competencies. These articles are from the May 2019 to September 2019 issues of the Alberta Filipino Journal. Take note that writing and documenting your experience must be specific and not a copy-paste approach. Every experience is unique for each individual. Your experience depends on your field of Engineering and depends on your employment from your previous and present companies. It is a matter of understanding the 22 Competencies and recalling all your experiences during the performance of your job. Somewhere and somehow, you applied all those competencies.
3. Can I start my application even before I land as and immigrant in Canada?
Answer: Yes. It is better to start your application before coming to Canada. Comply with all the Education requirements and submit all necessary experience requirements including your references. Once you land in Canada, by that time – you will have the options of taking the Fundamentals of Engineering Exams, the National Professional Practice Exams and comply with the One Year Canadian Experience – that is, if you have more than 48 months of Engineering prior to immigrating to Canada.
4. I do not have the required 48 months of Engineering Experience because I just graduated from my Engineering degree outside of Canada. Can I start my application to APEGA as Engineer-in-Training?
Answer: Yes. You can start your application to APEGA and eventually become an EIT. You must need to have a minimum of 48 months of Engineering Experience under the Supervision of a Professional Engineer to eventually become a Professional Engineer. If APEGA gives you EIT status, it is likely that your Education requirements are already satisfied and you need to complete and comply with your Engineering Experience Requirements eventually.
5. How long is the application process to grant the Professional Member Status?
Answer: There are many factors that will contribute to a delay in your application. Ideally, when all documents are submitted on time and all exam requirements are complied with according to the ideal timeline – a total of 12 months process is doable. But for Internationally Educated Engineers, where you need to have to take your Fundamental of Engineering Exams (FE) or Technical Exams (if required), these are the most time-consuming in the entire process and are entirely dependent on the Applicant. If you have already completed your Canadian Engineering Experience (as an Immigrant in Canada) and you eventually decide to apply to APEGA, this will shorten your application time.
6. How much is the total estimated cost I should expect to spend for the entire application process?
Answer: The total amount varies depending on each situation. After the Board of Examiners decides that the Applicant has to take the Fundamentals of Engineering Exams (FE) only and not the Technical Exams – you are looking at about CA$1,500 total estimated expenses. But if you are to take the Technical Exams, on average, it is CA$250 per subject and the costs will go higher, depending on the number of subjects the BOE will tell you to take.
The above FAQ are some of the common email questions I received over the past several months. If you have some questions that you want to ask based on your specific situation, do not hesitate to send me an email so that I can further help you as you go through your application process.