The President-Founder of Great Smile Family Dental Clinics had happily opted to share the blessing to our destitute fellows by serving foods as he called it “A Thanksgiving Birthday Celebration Through Street Feeding Program.”
With great astonishment, He quoted:
• “Together for one purpose-To Serve!”
-Pearl S. Buck
• “Truly I tell you, Whatever you did to one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did to me.”
-Matthew 25:40
• “To Serve is a beautiful, but only if it is done with joy and a whole heart and a free mind.”
– pearl S. Buck
Doctor Rod Montano would like to thank the following for supporting and making this Banquet on the Street—Street Feeding a success!
1. Lito and Mary Grace Quijano of Coco’s Nest Catering
2. Lito Mendoza Velasco and kuya Jun Angeles of Alberta Filipino Journal
3. Rolan Latorre and Jo-Ann Aguilar of Himig Pinoy Edmonton
4. Aris Bravo of Bravo Studio
5. Noel Granado of Granado’s Photography
6. Members of Edmonton Filipino SDA Church – Gregorio Jun Herrera Paz Adante and Jocelyn Adante
7. Staff of Great Smile Family Dental Clinics: Thorncliffe Family Dental Clinic and Bright Smile Family Dental Clinic
8. Eduardo, Editha, Minerva and Daryl Emmanuel Family
9. My Family: My wife Jencet Tupas Montano and JR., Nerisa and Jose Positos, and My Tatay Daniel.
My sister and brother-in-law, my niece, Dennis and Dr. Queenie Badelles, and Den Joy Badelles
“It was truly a very rewarding day to me and I believe this is just the beginning. I will be trying to make this as my yearly mission… Thank you so much for the expression of your love! God bless us all!” -Doc. Rod Montano told the Alberta Filipino Journal.