Coordination Among Event Organizers is Imperative

Coordination Among Event Organizers is Imperative

Typically, Our Column focuses more on the political scene but this time around we will discuss some important Community issues that we find important to talk about.  Recently, there have been so many events being organized by different groups. This is a good development because Edmonton will no longer be called Deadmonton. Let us focus on concerts being organized by Filipino Canadian Organizers. All of a sudden, everyone wants to create their own event and while that is totally fine, the only problem I see is that there is no communication between the Newbies and the Tried and Tested Organizers. This is not a good thing since it affects the ticket sales of both events. One might suffer more than the other, but there is no guarantee that they both won’t end up losing money in their venture.

To prevent this from happening, as President of the Philippine Media Association of Alberta (PMAA), I encourage all organizers to come forward with their plans ahead of time.  If you could give me a schedule of what you are planning to do ahead of time it would be great. This way I can send the information to all my colleagues in media and in doing so, other organizers will know that there will be an event on that day and if they are planning an event they might be able to push it back or ahead of time to avoid the fight for gate receipts.  This is our way of helping event organizers in Alberta. If you do cooperate, here is the bonus that I can give the organizers: we will publish your event in our “NOTIFY” app for FREE. Now it is your turn to prove to me that you are a responsible event organizer and can abide
by what I just said for the sake of the success of all events.

Photo by Moses Billacura | Alberta Filipino Journal
Photo by Moses Billacura | Alberta Filipino Journal
Photo by Moses Billacura | Alberta Filipino Journal
Photo by Moses Billacura | Alberta Filipino Journal


After being sworn in, newly elected Alberta Premier Jason Kenney has buckled down to work and has addressed the Senate Committee on Energy on the dumping Bill C-69. Clearly he is fighting for the interest of Alberta. Former Alberta Premier Rachel Notely did also pitch her share in fighting for Alberta but Kenney seems to have the right choice of words and I believe his experience being a former Federal Minister surely did come in handy.
There is still a lot of work that needs to be done, only time will tell if his strategy works and we as Albertans do hope so.  As I have said all along, Canada’s number 1 natural resource export is oil from Alberta. If the Federal Government does not help Alberta in its quest to get its products out into the Global Market then where will Alberta get the money to support the equalization payment for Quebec?

Premier Jason Kenney First Speech. Photo by the Government of Alberta
Jason Kenney Sworn In. Photo by the Government of Alberta
Premier jason Kenney with Liutenant Governor Lois Mitchell. Photo by the Government of Alberta

Unemployment rate in Alberta is very high and there is a need to act urgently on the oil issue. I understand the importance of our environment and our responsibility as a Country but this must be a joint effort around the globe. If only Canada or a few countries are doing it, then all our efforts will be useless. Who is the number 1 carbon emitting country in the world? It is China, with the United States coming in 2nd. Canada is number 10.  But consider factors like winter where we need to heat our homes. Unlike other countries, Canada is colder, thus making us use more power and gas. It is not our choice to heat our homes but it is a must in this country and why would you penalize people in Canada for just trying to stay warm? If you believe you can get through winter without heating your home, go ahead. Do that and try to save the world by cutting your emissions but do not enforce it on people and penalize them with carbon tax.  What the Federal Government should be doing is rewarding people who do not consume as much energy so they will be encouraged to watch their usage; instead of asking them pay more taxes which does not really help any family.


So I understand the Federal Government is finally acting on the Sea Can Loads of Garbage that was sent to the Philippines from Canada. This was after Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte said “I will declare war on Canada”.  There was talk going around in the community that if Canada does not address the garbage problem, the Liberal Party should kiss their election hopes goodbye. The Filipino Canadian Community will never rally behind them if they cannot even solve the containers of garbage sitting in the ports of Manila, Philippines.

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