Clear The Air This New Year

Clear The Air This New Year

“It is better to do the right thing than to explain why we did it wrong.” -Tony Blair

“It is never wrong to do the right thing.” -Mark Twain

“It is never too late to do the right thing.” -Nicholas Sparks

This quotation parade has afar-reaching influence in every soul. Everybody needs to be guided by any precepts of his choice in order to live better and live on.

The first quotation seems to imply perfection in the sense that one has to always be reminded of a specific maxim or standard. This is good for those who have been well equipped with a good quality of education or familial orientations. Tantamount to the saying that “doing the right thing is the only way not to fail.”

While it is true that nobody is perfect, it is also true that every mistake can be corrected. It is always better to expect what is reasonable; not what is perfect. Never expect perfection from an imperfect man because you yourself are imperfect.

The 2018 Controversies
Many a few had just flown over our consciousness yet buried into oblivion by some who just took care of their own welfare. Manifold beliefs hovered in the air and made people not only adhered to but stuck because of the pseudo-psychology. Some even believed that numbers have an akin relationship or relevance with the rising and falling writing styles and strokes. That, number 8 in 2018 would have been the luckiest year for them for the last swing of the pen, when hand written, goes upward. OMG, how can you believe in that when you happen to have very intimidating and kinda discriminating bosses, managers, supervisors, or leaders(as mentioned in one of the columns here)? How can you adhere to that idea when you bought a product or services that you didn’t enjoy or were even able to physically witness or watch?

What happened to some events that were unjustifiably cancelled? Were the problems and solutions properly addressed and met?

People! People of goodwill! People of God! Filipino People! Hello! Please wake up fellows! Never ever, once again, copy the mistakes of the past. Learn a lesson rather than unjustly earn.

Eradicating the erroneous past and highlighting the corrections for future benefits. Contemplate on the numbers of rising from the ditch rather than on the numbers of instances you fell and failed. Learn the process of reforming oneself: With a contrite heart and mind, try to examine your conscience, accept your mistakes, approach those who were affected by your misdemeanour and ask for forgiveness.Once forgiven, then forgive yourself and make amends—be changed. It is not too late to be reformed. It’s a New Year!

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