Triple Maple Leaf Canada – The Real Story: “Helping the Hopeless, the Desperate and the Vulnerable”

Triple Maple Leaf Canada  –  The Real Story:  “Helping the Hopeless, the Desperate and the Vulnerable”

By Triple Maple Canada

It is very sad that aspersion has been unfortunately cast against Carl Benito and his immigration practice. This is a classic example of “Sensationalized Journalism”.  If you read the full article, you will note it just contained pure allegations not proven in Court. In fact, the reporter admitted it and made that disclaimer himself. Unfortunately, he tucked it at the very end of the article.  Most people nowadays just read headlines and don’t bother to read the full story.  Since 2014, when Triple Maple Canada was established, we had several clients who are our DIRECT WITNESSES on HOW Triple Maple Leaf Canada and Carl Benito conduct his Consulting Services with UTMOST TRANSPARENCY and WITHIN LEGAL BOUNDS and following the guidelines as set by Immigration Canada.

First of all, please note that, the CBSA did conduct the search warrant on June 28th but, up to now,  no formal charge/s have been laid on anyone.  Our lawyers and Canada Border Services are still talking to one another on what the IRPA/Immigration Regulation violation is.

June 28th was almost three months ago.  In the meantime, since nothing has been proven in court, we have requested our clients to continue to call us directly and talk to any of our staff or visit us and get first-hand information from us.   Our office is open from 9:00 am – 5:00 pm, Tuesday to Saturday.  Come and see us in Edmonton at the Ramada Hotel South 5359 Calgary Trail.   Kuya CARL BENITO is also available via phone every Sunday morning starting, at 6:00 AM to talk to our clients regarding any question, inquiries or clarification they need.  We have NOTHING TO HIDE.  We are happy to announce that all immigration applications and submissions from our office are thoroughly reviewed for accuracy and legitimacy of information.  Therefore, all our application approvals are legitimate and legally approved by Immigration Canada.

To all those who were processed through our office and received CIC approvals, we are truly grateful for your trust and continued support.  Congratulations!   You all should be happy to move forward and live peaceful and prosperous lives.

THE FACTS -JUST THE FACTS PLEASE!Without data, you are just another person with an opinion!”  (by Edwards Deming)

The CBC article contained pure allegations and was not supported by factual data.  The article entitled “Preying on the Hopeless and the Vulnerable” contained nothing new.  It was merely a repetition of the CBC article.  Instead of providing facts and data to support their allegations, the writer just reacted to ARGUMENTUM AD PASSIONES (Appeal to Emotion).  Argumentum Ad Passiones is a logical fallacy characterized by the manipulation of the reader’s emotions in order to win an argument,especially in the absence of factual evidence.  Without data, the writer Mr. Marco Luciano was just another person with an opinion.

To date on the other hand, Triple Maple Leaf Canada has helped a lot of clients whom you have described as the desperate, hopeless and the vulnerable, achieve their dream of working and living prosperous lives in Canada.  With our assistance, they received approvals from Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC).  Most of these clients are out of status and have families back home in the Philippines who are totally dependent on them financially and for almost everything they need to survive.

To those who have real concern and legitimate inquiries:

  1.   You should not be afraid to fully identify yourself;  don’t be a misguided coward.
  2.   Do you have something to hide and what is your hidden agenda, if any?
  3.   To all FB bashers and bullies, can you please spend at least some time and effort to check your information for legitimacy and validity before you act and react? A lot of people say that the best response is no response.  ICE is a good response too, it is about freezing a bully with ICE – Ignore, Communicate, Exit.   God bless you.
  4.    Is it wrong to aspire and help our OFWs in making their lives and working conditions better?   We have done our part in helping the hopeless, the vulnerable and the desperate in our community.  We have client testimonials to back this up. What about you? What have you done so far outside of your bullying  misinformation and invective rhetorical tirade?

Triple Maple Leaf Canada and Carl Benito are working within the guidelines and requirements as set by the Government of Canada to get more applications processed and approved by CIC in a timely, legal and legitimate manner.  Our office WILL CONTINUE to work hard in providing appropriate and legal responses to all the immigration needs of our clients and for the approval of applications for our OFWs in Canada,especially those in need, the helpless and the desperate who have gone elsewhere but did not get help and the assistance they need.  WE ARE HERE FOR THEM, to guide them and assist them every step of the way to legitimize their stay in Canada.

Social media is a great place to share GIFs and your pressing thoughts on any mundane topic under the sun.  But when it comes to hearing and reading unwanted news about oneself, most people tend to react right away which is a sure way to make potential enemies of people who really want nothing to do with you but bring you misery and inflict pain.  However, keeping our feelings to our selves is the complete opposite of how we think we should do and react.  We have decided to avoid venting to the entire internet or any social media platform.  We are blessed enough to have a lot of people in our lives who have truly invested in our success and well-being.  We turn to these people and let them know how we are feeling.  Not only will they be good sounding boards, but they also for sure have some solid advice that could help us find amazing inner peace, clear mind and conscience.  We just hope that you too have such kind of people and support in your lives.  Life is short, so please do not spend it senselessly by wasting your time venting on social media platforms.

One would have wished that Mr. Marco Luciano had taken the time to properly acquaint himself with the true facts about the false news he restated in his article of September 2018.  For instance, Mr. Luciano repeated the CBC lies about a frivolous case started by a former client of Carl Benito when he was a real estate agent.  What the CBC and Mr. Luciano failed to tell their audience is the fact that the plaintiffs in that matter abandoned their claims.  Canada is a country of laws and our office and Mr. Benito would always respect the laws of this great country we are privileged to call home.  We will continue to do what we know how to do best – helping the hopeless, the vulnerable and the desperate in our community.

Many great things were not mentioned in Mr. Marco Luciano’s article of September 2018.  The fact that Carl Benito donated a substantial donation for youth programs was downplayed or discounted – over $72,000.00 is very helpful where the program managed by the Edmonton Community Foundation gives scholarships to Edmonton students.  Mr. Luciano also stated that “the former Conservative MLA will not be able to return the broken lives and dignity of victims..” – this statement is an unproven and baseless allegation, a sensational statement and it flies in the face of so many people and clients we have helped who were without hope and were able to move forward with open work permits and permanent residency cards – that is the real story.  Inflammatory statements like that, which are not backed up by facts, attract consequences.

If there is a way to make this reactive response sting a little less, we promise to do it for all you bashers and haters.  But as tough as being told you are  preying on the desperation of your fellow human beings will always be, we just take a deep breath and take a break and truly think of an appropriate way to respond.  We could lash out and start screaming at people, but we know better and we are smarter than that – and we know WE’LL FIND A WAY TO BOUNCE BACK IN A HEALTHIER AND MORE PRODUCTIVE WAY!   Helping the needy, the desperate and the most vulnerable is our passion – and we will continue doing so with or without your unsolicited opinion!

Given the foregoing considerations, facts and data, we can proudly say we were able to help and given hope to the many, countless hopeless, desperate and the vulnerable kababayans and clients who came to us voluntarily and were assisted by our Office. And to our critics we say, please look in the mirror and ask yourselves, “What have I done to help our kababayans in Canada?”

We leave you with these thoughts for you to think about: “Everyone is innocent until proven guilty.”   And  “The truth will set us free.”

God bless you all and your families.



Triple Maple Leaf Canada

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