“How often should I forgive?” Matthew 18:21-35

“How often should I forgive?” Matthew 18:21-35

By Fr. Jhack Diaz
Rev. Fr. Raldy “jhack” Diaz is the first Filipino priest ordained in the Diocese of St. Paul Alberta. Currently, the Pastor of St. Jean de Brebeuf Parish, Mallaig, Alberta.

There are three things I would like to share:

First, forgiveness is never easy. It is difficult, but it is not impossible to make peace with another. That is why today’s gospel is challenging us to be men and women of forgiveness. Forgiveness is the virtue of the brave. Brethren, forgive and go on forgiving. Jesus in the gospel talks not only about Peter but about how we should all forgive without limit. Why? Because one’s ability to forgive is limitless. Forgiving is an endless and infinite Christian virtue. Keep this in mind, to not forgive is like drinking poison and expecting others to die.

Second, be quick to forgive. Don’t postpone it. Never delay in apologizing either. If you hurt someone in the morning, don’t wait for the night to reconcile. When you forgive, you heal. When you let go, you grow. Forgive and forget. Life becomes easier when you learn to accept an apology you never got. Brethren, forgive not because your enemies deserve forgiveness, but because you deserve peace.

Finally, we need to forgive because we are 0% perfect and 100% forgiven. God’s math is like this: 3 nails plus 1 cross equals 4given. When you are tempted to lose patience with someone, remember how patient God has been with you. Forgive because FORGIVING IS THE HIGHEST FORM OF LOVING. There is no love without forgiveness and there is no forgiveness without love. Friends, stop remembering what God has already forgiven and forgotten. To heal a wound, you need to stop touching it.

Fr. Jhack

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