PHILIPPINES: Where the Filipino Hearts Belong.
Wherever he goes, no matter what, the Filipino’s heart will remain faithful to the Philippines. From the rising of the sun to its setting, his famous battle cry is “I love my own Native Land.”
In reality, no person, regardless of nationalities, has the desire to leave his own homeland; especially his or her own family. Stepping away from his loved ones is always matched with the pound of tears falling. Behind the tears is the conviction that one day, he would be bringing back the glory to his hometown. After the earning seasons or years of hardwork and industry as an OFW; here he is, booking a flight to either pay a visit or go back home for good in the Philippines. Why? Simply because he loves his own native land: The richness of culture, the songs of the birds, the smell of the farmlands, and most of all, the lovely people—his nuclear or extended family.
For those who became citizens of other countries like Canada; they always have good stories to tell every after paying a vacation in the Philippines. Many a few had visited for a noble purpose. Some had just gone home as cure for homesickness; others had been doing so for different reasons. Mostly, just for fun and leisure. IBA TALAGA ANG PINAS!
The Joy of Homecoming: Meeting and connecting with old and new friends during their recent visit to the Philippines.