2019 has gone. Another 365 days are over. By the way, how was your 2019? Whatever happened, let us learn from it, for we cannot undo it. What I am trying to tell you guys is: do not live in the past. Stop looking back. “No one, after putting his hand to the plow and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.” (Luke 9:62) We are not going that way, so forget the past. We are not determined by it. Do not lose your present to your past. Replaying the past over and over again will only ruin our present. Year 2020 is here and it is telling us that a brand new future awaits us.
As we welcome 2020, please try not to repeat things that hurts! Never repeat the same mistakes again. You know what? It is not a mistake to make a mistake. But it is a mistake to repeat the same mistake. Therefore, cry as much as you want to, but just make sure that when you are finished, you never cry for the same reason again. When we make a mistake there are three things we should do about it. First, admit it. Second, learn from it. And finally, do not repeat it. A mistake repeated more than once is a decision. Our best teacher is our last mistake.
This 2020, please make a good and smart decision by never repeating the same stupidity again. “Don’t repeat it but repair it.” My dear brothers and sisters, mga kababayan at kaibigan, it is never too late to start again. No matter how hard the past was, we can always begin again. Start with God and end it with God.
On the other hand, liturgically speaking, January 1 is actually the Solemnity of the Motherhood of Mary. As we start the year, we open it by remembering all the mothers. Why? Because we cannot be human without a woman. We are here because of a mother. For Jesus to become human, He needed a human mother and that is Mary. She is known as the “Theotokos” meaning the bearer of Christ. As we open this year, we are challenged to start by becoming like a “Theotokus.” Friends, bring only Jesus, not your pride. Bring Jesus, not your arrogance. Bring Jesus, not your anger, resentments and disappointments. Carry Jesus, not your sins. Carry Jesus, not your wickedness. Bring Jesus, only Jesus and always Jesus!
Let me end my reflection with this prayer: “May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord let His face shine upon you and be gracious to you. May the Lord look upon you kindly and give you peace.” My dear kababayan, pronounce this prayer to all of your family and friends. Let us start this year by blessing each other. Have a happy and Holy New year folks. New Year, New You!
Fr. Jhack