Wednesday of the First week of Advent: Year C

Wednesday of the First week of Advent: Year C
Matthew 15:29-37

Today I would like to share 3 Cs with you. Our Gospel starts with a CRISIS. What’s the crisis? It is a Great crowd of sick people following Jesus without anything to eat. There is a situation of sickness and scarcity. This kind of situation is still true nowadays. There is so much hunger everywhere. It might be hunger for food, hunger for relationships, financial hunger, spiritual hunger, etc.

Hunger is not caused by scarcity of food but by scarcity of generosity and justice. That is why Jesus asked his disciples “How many loaves do you have?” Miracles start to happen when we learn to share and give what we have. Take note of this my friends, life is not about accumulation but it is all about contribution. Never think that what you have to offer is insignificant. Friends, this is the spirit of Christmas: give not to get out of it, but to inspire others to give. There will always be someone out there that needs what you have to give. Brethren, today the gospel is inviting us to learn how to CONTRIBUTE. Give, but give until it hurts. St. Teresa of Calcutta once said: “If you can’t feed hundreds of people then feed just one.”

When we contribute there will be COUNTLESS and overflowing blessings. “The crowd ate and were filled and they took up broken left overs, seven baskets full.” When we share we attract abundance. The more we share, the more we have. The gospel reminds us of this too: Our God is not a stingy God. Life is good because God is great. Friends, don’t just count your blessings. Be the blessing that other people count on. And finally, in this season of Christmas; love the giver more than the gifts.

I wish you a Merry Christmas and prosperous New Year.

Fr. Jhack

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