The National Professional Practice Exam (NPPE)

The National Professional Practice Exam (NPPE)

The NPPE validates the knowledge of the individual on his knowledge of professionalism and ethics. All applicants, including those applying for Licensees and Professional Licensees, must pass the NPPE before they can be licensed to practise. It is one of the requirements to become a Professional Member.

Practice of Engineering in Canada is self-regulated which refers to the professional the authority to govern himself. By doing so, the knowledge of ethical standards and law is very essential to a professional to practice his profession.

The exam is offered in January, March, June, September, and November. Each session for that month offers the exam five times: one morning and one afternoon slot over three days.

The exam has 110 multiple-choice questions based on 7 subject areas as summarized below with its corresponding weights. The exams lasted for 2.5 hours to complete.

The National Professional Practice Exam has 7 syllabus subject areas. The questions are distributed on the exam according to the percentages shown below.


A. Professionalism (10%)
A.1 Definition and Interpretation of Professionalism and Professional Status
A.2 The Roles and Responsibilities of Professionals in Society
A.3. Engineering and Geoscience Professions in Canada; Definitions and Scopes of Practice
A.4 The Value of Engineering and Geoscience Professions to Society
A.5 The Roles and Responsibilities of Professionals to Management

B. Ethics (20%)
B.1 The Role of Ethics in Society; Cultures and Customs
B.2 Classical and Modern Ethical theories and Principles
B.3 Codes of Ethics of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists in Canada
B.4 Ethical Standards and Codes and Their Relationship to the Conduct of a Professional
B.5 Common Ethical Issues and Dilemmas; Making Ethical Decisions

C. Professional Practice (27%)
C.1 Professional Accountability for Work, Workplace Issues, Job Responsibilities, and Standards of Practice
C.2 Relations with Other Professionals and Non-Professionals; Business Practices
C.3 Statutory and Non-Statutory Standards and Codes of Practice
C.4 Insurance, Risk Management, and Quality Management; Due Diligence
C.5 Environmental Responsibilities and Sustainable Development
C.6 Use of Software, Computers and Internet-based Tools; Liability for Software Errors
C.7 Documentation Authentication and Control
C.8 Duty to Inform; Whistleblowing

D. Communication (1%)
D.1 Legal, Ethical, and Practical Aspects of Communication
D.2 The Professional Relationship
D.3 Communication Skills

E. Law for Professional Practice (23%)
E.1 The Canadian Legal System
E.2 Contract Law – Elements, Principles, and Applications
E.3 Tort Law – Elements, Principles, and Applications
E.4 Civil Code in Quebec and Common Law in Rest of Canada
E.5 Business, Employment, and Labour Law
E.6 Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution
E.7 Intellectual Property – Patents, Trademarks, Trade Secrets, Software Issues, Copyright
E.8 Expert Witness
E.9 Construction Liens
E.10 International Law
E.11 Environmental Law
E.12 Workers Compensation and Occupational Health & Safety
E.13 Human Rights and Privacy Legislation

F. Professional Law (8%)
F.1 The Acts, Regulations, and Bylaws of Provincial and Territorial Acts
F.2 Codes of Ethics; Conflicts of Interest
F.3 Admission to the Professions
F.4 Illegal Practice, Enforcement Against Unlicensed Practice, and Misuse of Title
F.5 Professional and Technical Societies

G. Regulation & Discipline Processes (11%)
G.1 Discipline and Enforcement Procedures
G.2 Professional Inspection; Practice Reviews of Individuals
G.3 Response to Complaints
G.4 Licensing Corporations and Practice Review of Firms
G.5 Response to Unethical or Incompetent Practice; Consequences of Unethical Practice
G.6 Canadian and International Mobility
G.7 Continuing Professional Development
G.8 Use of Seals and Stamps

To pass the exam, an equated score of 65 or greater is needed. APEGA applicants are allowed to take the exam four (4) times. If the applicant is still not successful on the fourth attempt, his application will be withdrawn and need to re-apply again and pay necessary fees after 2 years from his last unsuccessful attempt.

The NPPE is required to all applicant to be register as member of APEGA whether you are Internationally Educated Engineer or hold a Canadian degree.

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